Intuitive Healing and Angelic Guidance with Nami Nesterowicz: Unlock Your Innate Abilities, Heal, and Connect with Archangels

Nami Nesterowicz Angel Channeler Painter Oui Talk Raw watch 2024
Nami Nesterowicz

Nami Nesterowicz is a healer, channeler, angel painter, and author with over 25 years of experience in the healing profession. He offers personalized guidance and mentoring to help individuals of all ages develop their intuitive abilities and connect with archangels like Michael, Gabriel, and Milagros. Through his unique approach, Nami teaches how to call upon these archangels to assist in healing and personal growth, while also channeling their messages into spiritual portraits.

Get in touch, learn more!

Nami Nesterowicz Art

Having painted over 5,000 spiritual portraits and assisted more than 10,000 clients, Nami combines his intuitive skills with his background as a massage therapist and his deep understanding of the body-spirit connection. He draws upon both Eastern and Western medicine, along with angelic guidance, to address past traumas and physical symptoms. Nami’s exclusive healing techniques help release the body’s memory of negative experiences, fostering deep relaxation and natural healing.


Q & A with Nami Nesterowicz

Welcome, everybody, to Oui Talk Raw! I’m Jennifer Busco, your host, and I’m so excited today! My dear friend, Nami Nestowitz—did I say that right?

Nami: You did!

Jennifer: Great! Today, we’re going to talk about angels, as you probably saw in the intro. I tried to look like an angel for you today, but it was tough—this is all I got. White doesn’t really suit me!

Nami: You look fine!

But who says angels have to be white? Let’s start there!


Angels can look different for everyone. I wonder where the idea of white angels came from—maybe it’s a symbol of heaven or the divine. For me, when I work with energy, I imagine it as white light. However, I have clients who see angels in vibrant colors, and I think that’s totally fine!


So, let’s dive in! Welcome, Nami. I’m so happy you’re here! In a nutshell, tell us what you do.

Well, I had a near-death experience in 2005. Before that, I was a massage therapist for 30 years. I didn’t want to continue with massage, so I asked God how I could serve. One day, I painted a 16 by 20 canvas with my eyes closed while my six-year-old son set out paints and glitter. I played meditation music and felt guided to give that painting to an angel reader who was coming to my house that weekend.

So, you weren’t into angels before this?

Not at all!

Why was there an angel reader coming over?

She was teaching me about reading auras, and I had invited her for a class. After the class, she commissioned me for a painting. By the end of the night, three other people wanted to commission me too. When I gifted her the painting, she cried and told me I had painted a scene from her childhood—exactly what she remembered from when she was five years old.

Wow! So, you were a skeptic at that time?

Yes, definitely!

But you were into massage and spirituality, right?

Yes, I was into energy work and crystals. I always had a selenite crystal under my massage table to protect myself from absorbing clients’ energy.

Oh, interesting! How did you open up that gift and trust what was happening?

After that experience, I thought, “Wow!” The angel reader invited me to paint a mural at her church, and while I was painting, I started channeling. Within just a few strokes, I saw Jesus’ face appear in the mural. It was my first time really channeling without even realizing it.

That’s amazing! Can you explain the difference between the energy of an angel, a spirit guide, and universal energy?

Sure! Angels told me that a spirit guide is like a companion walking with you, while a guardian angel stays behind you to ensure you fulfill your purpose. They won’t let you go until your work is done.

So, if you’re still learning, you won’t pass away?

Exactly. I experienced that when I had my near-death experience; an angel pushed me back into my body, saying it wasn’t my time yet.

Fascinating! Are archangels different from regular angels?

Yes, archangels are a specific type of angel from a higher realm. There’s no hierarchy; it’s just different vibrations. Not every spirit who has passed becomes an angel—only those who have really done their work.

So, if you’ve evolved spiritually, you can become an angel to help others?


How many angels are there? Do you only work with a specific number?

I work with ten angels, each associated with a specific color. For example, I see Raphael as purple for healing.

That’s beautiful! Do you have specific angels you call upon for certain things?

Yes, absolutely. And while I work with ten, there are limitless angels out there. Sometimes I sense archangels starting with letters, and I might not know who they are until I look it up.

Interesting! What are the archangels’ purposes compared to regular angels?

Archangels bring messages to help with consciousness. For instance, Michael, who I work with, focuses on peace rather than protection now. He believes that if you have peace, there’s no need for protection.

Makes sense! When you’re in a lower vibration, how do you connect with angels to raise your energy?

I call them in; they won’t come unless you ask! You don’t need to call each one individually—just invite them in.

My boyfriend makes me do that when he’s worried about sports bets—he’s like, “Call on the angels!” (laughs)

(laughs) That’s funny!

But it’s true—the intention of connecting with angels can raise your vibration.

Absolutely! It’s easy to get stuck in worries, but just acknowledging there’s something greater can shift your perspective.

And how do you clear energy in spaces?

I do remote viewing. When someone calls me, I can sense where the energy leaks are in a house. A portal might need closing if it’s allowing negative energy in.

What’s a portal?

A portal is an energy vortex that can draw in negative influences.

Do you believe in dark energies?

Yes, you have to have light and dark. I’ve encountered negative energies, but I prefer to send them love, as that’s what they need.

So you can clear a house from anywhere in the world?

Yes! I’ve worked with clients from places like Hawaii and Australia.

And when it comes to everyday situations—like arguing with a partner—clearing that energy can be beneficial.

Definitely! Emotional buildup can create entities in a space. For example, consistent anger in the kitchen can manifest as negative energy.

That’s a powerful concept. If you notice physical signs, like a pest infestation, it can be linked to the energy in the home?

Absolutely! It’s a reflection of the energy.

I think it’s important to pay attention to these signs—like animals or numbers showing up consistently can carry messages for us.

Yes! They’re all interconnected.

So, are angels in the same dimension as souls that have crossed over?

No, they exist in a higher dimension. They can help those souls, but if the soul is in a lower vibration, they may not feel the support from the angels.

That makes sense.

Yes, it’s all about vibration and worthiness. I have people that come through in sessions, but I don’t really call myself a medium. I used to have a painting in my massage room, and people would come up to it and say, “That’s my daughter,” or “That’s my cousin,” or “I don’t know this man, but I have a message for him.” They’d circle the painting, sharing their connections and asking if I could pass on messages. I had a gentleman who didn’t know the man in the painting, but he had a powerful message for him.

Wow, that’s incredible!

Yes, and I often remember the sessions that are particularly powerful. Those messages resonate with me too, while others I might forget since I’m just channeling.

Exactly. It’s about being present and channeling. Some clients ask, “Do you remember me? I’m divorced.” And I’m like, “Yeah, I remember,” but it doesn’t really matter because I’m channeling.

Right, it’s not my business. When someone shares their challenges, it’s all coming from a place of love and greater good.

Do you incorporate energy healing in your sessions like I do?

Yes! As soon as they sit in my chair, they’re receiving energy work. The energy shifts just from our conversation.

That’s so true! I take before-and-after pictures of my clients now.

That’s brilliant! People transform so much.

I had one woman who had dark hair when she came in and left with little gold highlights. She was crying, saying, “I’ve shifted into who I’m meant to be.”

Wow, that’s beautiful. The challenge is often remembering that high vibration afterward. I feel amazing after my sessions too, but a few days later, I can fall back into old patterns.

Right, we’re human for a reason. Do you find it more challenging to receive messages for yourself through the angels?

Yes, definitely. I have friends who help me, and it’s a wonderful energy exchange.

Do you use angel energy for clearing, or is that just a natural gift?

Yes, I work on ley lines—those energetic highways. If you don’t clear them and have a neighbor doing chaotic things, it can affect you, especially in apartments.

So, ley lines are energetic pathways in the earth?

Exactly. They form an unseen grid.

Is it spelled LAY or LEI?

I think it’s LAY. Someone should Google it!

Yes, please do! I live in an apartment where I can hear my neighbor snoring; that’s how close our energies are.

I can show you how to create a protective energy wall.

Oh, with intention?

Yes, it works! I live near railroad tracks and use various techniques to create energetic barriers.

Do you have any memorable stories from working with clients and angels?

There are so many! But I can’t think of any right now since I’m in the moment.

How about we open the floor for live chats? Would you be open to doing some live angel readings?

Yes, absolutely!

If you’re watching, go to and type in your life questions. Nami will channel them with love and light. We’ll be right back after these messages!


Hey everyone, we’re back! I’m your host, Jennifer Busco, and I’m here with Nami for live readings. Are you ready?


First question—how do you connect with your channel angels?

I open the space using a technique called F-F-Fah, which helps me invite the angels in. I often use a sword or selenite and ring a bell to call them.

Love it! So, you just receive the messages after that?

Yes, I’ve been doing this long enough that I’ve learned to feel their presence and messages.

Next question: How does it look with the man I’m involved with?

I saw a dark green color for you, which relates to the heart chakra. It signifies growth and the green light to move forward.

Next question—what does my music career look like in the future?

I heard you should give yourself six months. Believe and ask the angels for help.

Great advice! Next question: How do I create a better aura and more positive energy?

I recommend using selenite to help clear your chakras and meditating regularly to uplift your energy.

It’s all about intention and self-awareness, right?


Last question: Will I be traveling to a different state or country soon?

I heard “country,” and I got Australia.

Wow! Is there anything else you’d like to share about your work before we wrap up?

I have crystals from Brazil and work with a man from India. I also do energy readings and business clearings to ensure high vibrational spaces.

Fantastic! How can people find you?

You can reach me at or on Facebook at Nami Nestawitz.

Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us today!

Thank you!

Thanks for tuning in, everyone! We’ll see you next time!


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